Welcome to the Arizona State Personnel Board
Hand shake
Justice Table

Mission Statement

The Arizona State Personnel Board is committed to the integrity, dedication, and principles inherent in the rule of law, In addition to furthering employment law for the betterment of workplace culture, standards, and practices.


What We Do

The Arizona State Personnel Board is responsible for hearing and reviewing, via an administrative hearing process, appeals filed by covered/probationary public employees who have been dismissed, suspended, or involuntarily demoted resulting from disciplinary action. The Arizona State Personnel Board also hears and reviews complaints filed under the whistleblower statute. Under the direction of the presiding hearing officer, the proceedings are conducted through the taking of direct testimony, the cross examination of witnesses, and the admission of evidence. A record of the proceedings is taken and made available, upon request, to hearing officers, board members, and parties to the matter. The hearing officer determines the facts based on the evidence presented and makes a recommendation to the Arizona State Personnel Board. Board members are subsequently provided with case information so they may determine whether the proper level of discipline has been imposed.